Wednesday, August 29, 2007

She said it...

Thanks, Laura for my current post!  You can read about some of the funny things that our kids have done lately on her livejournal.

Classes are going well for me, but the best thing about them right now is how much fun Chris and the kids are having together all day on Wednesdays!  He's totally turned into Mr. Mom one day a week--cooking (without the grill), cleaning (multiple rooms), bathing the kids (ALL of them), teaching McKenna to ride her bike (in a STRAIGHT LINE!  If you know McKenna, this is amazing!), picking out clothes, playing (or maybe just watching) with the kids as they all pretend to be cats, the list goes on!  I am SO THANKFUL for him being able to spend one day a week with them in this way!  

I got to go to my first parent meeting for Anna's preschool last night.  Preschool isn't "old" per se, but I'm really grappling with the fact that time moves so quickly and that she's old enough to be in this environment.  I know she'll love it and she's thrilled that some of her friends from Mother's Day Out last year will be in her class again this year.  The kids all start next week--Anna in her 3's preschool class and McKenna and Sam in MDO.  What a blessing these programs have been to our family in the past few years!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...'s been like a whole week since an update! I know I just saw the kids yesterday...but still ;) Love ya!