Sunday, March 18, 2012

We've flown the coop

The last 8 days have provided quite the memories for our kiddos. We started out with 6 chicks. We now have 12. The original 6 are leghorns and have been named Bailey and Chelsea (Anna's), Donna (renamed Pip because she's the smallest) and Brooke (McKenna's), and Obi Wan Kenobi and Quaigon Gin (Samuel's). (Carrie, feel free to let me know what the correct spellings are. I'm feeling too lazy to look it up.)

The work of converting the old barn that sheltered Sahib into a chicken coop commenced today. McKenna went to Lowe's with Pops to get materials. All of the kids "helped" in the prep of the area construction of the floor. Samuel got the working child gold medal today, though. He worked with Pops for a solid 4 hours, even skipping dinner to continue working. The floor is done and the east wall is almost framed.

Anna's new favorite thing, next to the chickens, is her pair of bib overalls. She wears them every day and regularly has a chick in the front pocket. For example...

The leghorn in the front is a week older than the two varieties in the back. I'm not sure what the kids picked out. I did hear that Samuel requested that the Tractor Supply worker pick out the fattest one for him and Anna wanted the smallest one. Naturally, the chicks were afraid of the worker and there were about 18 in the bin. I'm sure he did his best.


Anonymous said...

It's Qui-Gon Jinn :)


Leslie said...

Wow. I wasn't even close. Miss you, Carrie!

Laura said...

You were closer than Mom was!