Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Sochi 2014 to ???? 2030

I'm doing my best to raise fans of the Olympics.  I think I'm right on track.  Tonight Samuel told me that he really needed me to get him skis.  Or a snowboard.  Or a bobsled.  Because how on earth is he going to win a gold medal and get me on a (Proctor and Gamble) P & G commercial to say "Thank you, Mom?"  I guess I'd better go find a bobsled.

Maybe if I go to "one more store" I'll find it.  That's Caitlin's favorite phrase.  She asks for just one more store, complete with finger motions, every time we leave, well, anywhere.  When we turn onto our road she cried out, "no home, one more store!"

McKenna and Anna are cheerleading with Upward.  They are loving this new activity.  I still can't believe I'm currently acting as a cheer mom.  I even spent a Saturday evening last month pulling apart the ribbons on pom poms.  Twice.

This winter is 6" of snow away from being the snowiest ever in Indianapolis.  I'm 6" from over it.  Compounding the problem was the gift of a trip with Chris and the older kids to Southern California last month.  Who spends a tantalizing five days in San Diego and Los Angeles in the middle of multiple polar vortexes and significant snowfalls.  This family.  And it was awesome.  We did all the things you might think.  We did Legoland.  We did the Safari Park associated with the San Diego Zoo.  We did Disneyland (on Samuel's 8th birthday!).  We also did a bit of the unexpected.  We surfed.  In January.  These Indiana kids surfed.  Really stood.  Really did it.  It was crazy fun to watch them do something that they thought they would never do.  They loved it.  The whole trip was crazy wonderful.  But it really makes the rest of this winter seem extra long.

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