Made it to clinical on time. Almost.
Got message that Chris had to work on day of "Fall Birthday" celebration for our girls, my mom, and all of my sisters.
Chris got schedule changed to accommodate our Saturday plans.
Chris's schedule for today got changed.
Chris contacted the greatest babysitters in the world.
Dad stood in the gap after Chris left.
Babysitter arrived.
Dad walked into town to pick up his truck since his ride (Chris) had gone to Lafayette.
I have minor meltdown at school.
I get the front and center slot at the flu clinic giving shots.
I hope my eyes aren't still puffy.
In walks the local news crew, camera man included.
Camera man was not my cousin.
I said I never wanted to be on the news. It was a life goal.
I was on the news.
I assumed that everyone read their news online.
I walked into Bible study.