But alas, after my frustration in the garden tonight I spotted the much anticipated black raspberries that were ready for picking! Off to get the long sleeves and shoes other than flip flops (I forgot I still had said shoes)... While picking the raspberries tonight I was so blessed. It was quiet. Quiet. I haven't experienced quiet in over 4 1/2 years. Seriously. I watched a bumble bee on a flower. I had time to do this and to just marvel in the beauty of what God created and has allowed me to experience. As I reached and strained for the all the berries around the old compost pile, I thought of a pathetic similarity between the way I think about fruit and how God thinks about us. As much as I didn't want even one (berry) to perish, it was a stark realization of how much more our Creator doesn't want us to perish--not even one of us. I am secure in my position in Christ. What a gift.
This security is guaranteed. Guaranteed. This is so amazing.
Perhaps someone should talk to the swimming commentator alongside Bob Costas (I'm drawing a blank, clearly) about what it means to be guaranteed. He guarantees that Michael Phelps will make the Olympic team in all 5 events he's swimming, unless he gets third in any of the races. Which he won't, according to Rowdy Gains. That's his name. What a digression...